Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Raven and the Swallow

Sleek, gunmetal night; that’s you.  Glossy on the surface like swank clubs with flashing lights, thumping bass and neon shots of booze, but you’re just a little more dangerous than that, aren’t you?  And a bit more exciting if we’re being honest here.  For all your flash, all that bravado, what lies beneath is something sharper and more calculating than any other 20-something socialite could ever hope to compete with.  You’re the dark corners, harboring ecstasy and sex and glowing cigarettes so near to where everyone is laughing and living.  You can fit in so well with them, when you dance and the sweat slips down the side of your neck.  Part of me thinks there really is nothing deadly about you.  I’m safe with you.

Maybe I’m not, though.  The night likes its secrets.